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    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D6450-PS1 Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit with Primer Set 1 96 rxns €1.295,60
    - +
    D6450-PS2 Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit with Primer Set 2 96 rxns €1.295,60
    - +
    D6450-PS3 Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit with Primer Set 3 96 rxns €1.295,60
    - +
    D6450-PS4 Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit with Primer Set 4 96 rxns €1.295,60
    - +


    • Speed – DNA to pooled libraries in 30 minutes of hands-on time.
    • Simplicity – One-step PCR with premixed amplification plate. Just add DNA.
    • Flexibility – Compatible with both PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    The Quick-16S Full-Length Library Prep Kit delivers pooled and purified libraries ready for downstream sequencing on PacBio & Oxford Nanopore sequencing platforms in as little as 30 minutes of hands-on time. Available in four uniquely barcoded formats, 96-well premixed reagent plates allow users to simply add DNA and amplify while providing the capacity to multiplex up to 384 samples. The PCR premix in each plate is qPCR compatible, contains sufficient dead volume for automated liquid handling, and uses highly stable reagents that allow for room temperature PCR setup without the use of ice or cold-blocks.


    Technical Specifications

    Sample Input Normalized and purified microbial DNA, free of PCR inhibitors.
    Full-Length 16S Primer Sequences 27f (AGRGTTYGATYMTGGCTCAG, 20 bp) and 1492r (RGYTACCTTGTTACGACTT, 19 bp). Sequencing adapters are included but not shown.
    Primer Indexes Combinational dual indexes (barcodes) to uniquely label samples.
    Barcode Sequences 10 bp barcodes are available for download by visiting the documentation section of the D6450 Product Page at
    Amplicon Size The final amplicon size after 1-Step PCR (targeted amplification and barcode addition) is ~1500 bp.
    Sequencing Platform PacBio Sequel® II, Sequel® IIe, and Revio systems. ONT PromethION®, GridION®, and MinION®.
    Equipment Needed (user provided) Microcentrifuge, plate spinner (centrifuge), 96-well real-time quantitative PCR system (SYBR Green compatible, recommended), or standard PCR system, 96-well real-time PCR plates, and PCR plate adhesive seals. Use of a magnetic tube rack or plate rack is highly recommended.


    Yes, these sample types can be processed by following the recommendations provided in Appendix A and the Supplemental Protocol.

    The final libraries are optimized for sequencing on PacBio® platforms but are also compatible with ONT® devices.

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    "This was so much easier than other 16S library preps that we have done!"

    Jessica B.

    University of Oklahoma

    "Almost disturbingly easy to do this protocol, so many fewer steps than our usual V4 515F 806R protocol."

    Erin D.


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