Scientific Posters
Zymo Research's scientific posters highlight the latest breakthroughs in molecular biology, showcasing innovations spanning from epigenetics to microbiomics. We are proud to present insights from our collaborations with leading scientists and institutions worldwide, with more contributions to the field of life science on the horizon.
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An Integrated Approach for Pathogen Detection, AMR Monitoring, and Functional Analysis in Wastewater
X. Cheng , J. Wilkinson, K. Ngo , P. Baybayan, Y. Kim, P. Pham, E. Carrasco, S. Tang, J. Shen, and K. LockenWastewater surveillance has emerged as a pivotal tool in public health epidemiology. Particularly catalyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic, modern culture-independent sequencing methods have become indispensable due to their ability to offer a comprehensive perspective.
View PosterAssessing HiFi Long Read Sequencing versus Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing and Methylation EPIC BeadChip Array A Comparative Analysis Utilizing DNA Methylation Standards
Ryan Yancey, Angele De Silva, Jeffrey Bhasin, Keith Booher, Xiaojing Yang, Larry JiaDNA methylation, one of the most abundant and extensively studied epigenetic modifications, plays crucial roles in various biological processes such as development, cancer, aging, and complex diseases. The Illumina array has been widely employed.
View PosterA Method for Quantifying DNA Methylation Percentage Without Chemical Modification
Michael Karberg, Ron J. Leavitt, Danice Anne A. Cabaya, Marc E. Van Eden and Xi Yu JiaAltered DNA methylation patterns have been associated with aberrant gene expression and the onset of some diseases, including cancer. The ability to quantify DNA methylation in normal and diseased...
View PosterA Novel Way to Control PCR Chimera in the Library Preparation of 16S Targeted Sequencing
Mikayla Mager, Shuiquan Tang, and Xi Yu JiaAn increasingly important application of microbiomics is how the microbes living in and on humans affect us, for better or worse. With the innovation of long-read sequencing as well as...
View PosterAddition by Subtraction Elimination of Host DNA From Low Bioburden Human Microbiome Samples
Mikayla Mager, Shuiquan Tang, and Xi Yu JiaAn increasingly important application of microbiomics is how the microbes living in and on humans affect us, for better or worse. With the innovation of long-read sequencing as well as the...
View PosterBladder CARE A Novel Epigenetic Bladder Cancer Test From Urine
Paolo Piatti, Michiko Suwoto, Xiaojing Yang, Yap Ching Chew, Wei Guo, Gangning Liang, Larry JiaBladder cancer (BC) ranks as the 4th most common cancer in males. More than 50% of BC patients show tumor recurrence within one-year after cancer removal (TURBT), and as a result, BC patients...
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