One Step to PCR & NGS Success

Remove Inhibitors from Purified DNA & RNA with the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit

Image of lightning bolt with outline of circle


Simple 5 Minute Protocol

Inhibitor Free DNA & RNA

Completely Remove Polyphenolics
(i.e. Hematin, Melanin, Bile Salts, etc.)

Highest Yield

Consistently Recover ≥ 80 % DNA & RNA

Achieve Inhibitor Free DNA & RNA in less than 5 minutes​

Extract DNA & RNA From Sample:


Faucet with water


Plant with roots showing


Mound of dirt with shovel stuck on top
Other samples with polyphenolics (i.e. Hematin, Melanin, or Bile Salts)

Remove Inhibitors in One Step:

Kit Image

Inhibitor Rich Eluate


Inhibitor Free DNA & RNA

Improve Downstream Analysis:

Graph qPCR analysis of humic acid rich samples before and after OneStep™ Inhibitor Removal Kit. Humic acid rich samples were either untreated (brown) or treated (green) with OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit (D6031). Samples were then analyzed with Femto Human qPCR Premix (Zymo Research) and compared to DNA in pure water (red).
Extracted DNA From Soil​
OneStep™ Treated Soil DNA

OneStep™ Treated DNA & RNA is Ideal for PCR & NGS

Successfully Amplify DNA From
Inhibitor-Rich Samples

Result image of DNA samples treated with The OneStep™ Kit after PCR amplification, described in detail below.

Amplification of a 200 bp product from DNA containing humic acid is restored after treatment with the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit.

Obtain NGS Data from Samples
High in Polyphenolics

A stacked column chart comparing the microbial distribution in soil DNA between a group treated with OneStep™ and an untreated group, described in detail below

Microbes are successfully detected in DNA extracted from soil using 16S sequencing following treatment with the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit.

Minimize DNA & RNA Loss During Inhibitor Removal

Superior DNA Recovery

A simple column chart comparing % DNA Recovery after PCR inhibitor removal using the OneStep™ Kit or Competitor Kits, described in detail below

Comparison of DNA Recovery after PCR inhibitor removal using the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit or Competitor Kits. 1kb ladder (Zymo Research) was diluted to various concentrations and treated with either the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit or kits from Company Q or Company MN. DNA recovery was measured using Nanodrop (Thermo) or Qubit (Thermo) for lower concentrations.

The Market Leader in PCR Inhibitor Removal Technology

60% of all published articles that require PCR inhibitor removal choose OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit

A pie chart comparing the market share of PCR inhibitor removal products used in published articles

Cited for Wastewater Surveillance, Pathogen Detection, Agriculture, Environmental Testing & Diagnostics in High Impact Journals

OneStep™ is the Clear Choice for Inhibitor Removal

Zymo Research OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit* Qiagen DNeasy or RNeasy Powerclean Pro** Macherey-Nagel NucleoSpin Inhibitor Removal
Time Per Prep < 5 min 10 min 15 min
DNA & RNA Recovery ≥ 80 % ~ 55 % 75 %
DNA,RNA, or Both BOTH Only DNA or only RNA DNA
Maximum Sample Volume Up to 200 µl Up to 100 µl Up to 100 µl
Max Nucleic Acid Input No Limit 20 µg 60 µg
DNA Size Limit No Limit 60 - 50 kb 200 bp - 50 kb
Elution Volume N/A > 50 µl 50 - 100 µl
  1. *OneStep™ PCR inhibitor removal kit filters do not bind to nucleic acid therefore do not have a binding capacity, max input, or elution volume.
  2. **Qiagen has one kit for DNA clean up and another kit for RNA clean up, OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal kit can process either DNA or RNA with the same filters.
Image of Smiling Scientist

Well-Reviewed & Highly Trusted by Researchers

OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Technology

Simply add the OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit to your existing extraction workflow.

Product CAT No. Prep Size
OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit D6031 50
D6035 2 x 96
OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit Image

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