Long-Read Bacterial Whole Genome Assembly: Assembling Complete Genomes from Any Bacterial Culture

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Long-Read Bacterial Whole Genome Assembly

Assembling Complete Genomes from Any Bacterial Culture

High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction

High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction

HMW DNA from DNA extraction with mechanical microbial lysis

Comprehensive Assembly Analysis

Comprehensive Assembly Analysis

Sequence assembly, strain-level taxonomy assignment, annotation, etc.

Powered by PacBio HiFi Sequencing

Powered by PacBio HiFi Sequencing

Entrust your samples to Certified PacBio Certified Provider

High Molecular Weight DNA Extraction With Mechanical Lysis

Confidently Obtain High-quality DNA Even From Hard-to-Lyse Bacteria

DNA fragment size distribution from bacterial isolates with varying levels of recalcitrance. The samples were processed with the ZymoBIOMICS 96 DNA MagBead Kit and Miniprep Kit to ensure efficient extraction.

Chart displaying DNA fragment size distribution

Highly Accurate Assemblies with Long-Read HiFi Sequencing

Genome Assemblies are consistently > 99.99% accurate

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Data obtained from HiFi Sequencing has consistent Q Value > 40.

Sophisticated Genome Assembly & Annotation

Publication-ready high-fidelity genome and annotations

Chart displaying gene analysis

Simplifying Genome Assembly Interpretation

custom reports
The Genome Assembly report provides sequence read distribution, assembly result summary, taxonomy prediction, genome annotation summary, antimicrobial resistance genes identification, and circular genome map. Our team of expert bioinformaticians are here to help you get the most out of your data.

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Bacterial Whole Genome Assembly Made Simple

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Bacterial Whole Genome Assembly Technical Specifications

Sequencing Platform PacBio Sequel IIe or Revio
Sequencing Kit SMRT Cell 8M or 24M (PacBio)
Accepted Sample Types Extracted genomic DNA, or raw samples
DNA Extraction
ZymoBIOMICS Magbead DNA/RNA kit (R2135)
ZymoBIOMICS RNA Miniprep Kit (R2001)
Library Prep
SMRTbell prep kit 3.0 (with SMRTbell cleanup beads) or HiFi plex prep kit 96 (PacBio)
Barcoded Adapter Plate 3.0 (PacBio)
Sequencing Analysis PacBio HiFi reads are assembled with flye v2.9.2 and hifiasm v0.19.8. The best assembly was selected and reported. The assembled draft or complete genomes are annotated with prokka v1.14.5. The taxa of the genome is predicted using gtdbtk v2.3.2. Antimicrobial resistance genes and virulence genes are identified by searching reads against databases curated from NCBI using Diamond
Data Visualization Circular genome maps are prepared using CGview
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