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    Quick-RNA Viral Kits | 96-Well

    The Quick-RNA Viral Kits quickly extract high-quality viral RNA from various sources including plasma/serum, cell culture media, biological fluids, swabs, and feces.

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.


    Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit


    • Quick, high-throughput (96-well spin plate) purification of viral RNA from plasma, serum, CSF, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva, swab, fecal, etc.
    • Omits the use of organic denaturants and proteases.
    • High-quality viral RNA is ready for RT-PCR, sequencing, etc.
    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R1040 Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit 2 x 96 preps €474,00
    - +
    R1041 Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit 4 x 96 preps €850,30
    - +
    R1040-E Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit - DX 2x 96 Preps €474,00
    - +
    R1041-E Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit - DX 4 x 96 preps €850,30
    - +
    Cat # Name Size Price
    W1001-10 DNase/RNase-Free Water 10 ml €22,50
    W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml €14,30
    R1200-125 DNA/RNA Shield (2X Concentrate) 125 ml €260,20
    R1034-2-48 Viral Wash Buffer (concentrate) 48 ml €125,90
    R1034-1-100 Viral RNA Buffer 100 ml €179,40
    C2003 Elution Plate 2 Plates €22,50
    C2002 Collection Plate 2 Plates €26,10
    C2007-2 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 2 Foils €10,50
    C2007-4 96-Well Plate Cover Foil 4 Foils €10,50
    C2004 Zymo-Spin I-96 Plate 2 Plates €168,70


    The Quick-RNA Viral 96 Kit provides for rapid, large scale isolation of viral RNA from plasma, serum, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, urine, blood, saliva and any other biological samples stored in DNA/RNA Shield. DNA/RNA Shield ensures nucleic acid stability during sample storage/transport at ambient temperatures. The reagent effectively lyses cells and inactivates nucleases and infectious agents (virus). The kit features a specialized buffer system that facilitates complete viral particle lysis for efficient RNA isolation from samples containing enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, HIV, HCV, influenza A virus, flaviviruses, measles virus, parainfluenza virus, parvovirus (a ssDNA virus), etc. Viral RNA is bound to the matrix in each well of the spin-plate, washed and eluted. The isolated high-quality viral RNA is ready for all downstream applications such as Next-Gen sequencing, hybridization-based and RT/PCR detection.


    Technical Specifications
    Equipment Centrifuge with microplate carriers with height tolerance of 60 mm (2.36 inches)
    Purity RNA is ready for Next-Gen sequencing, RT-qPCR, microarray, hybridization, etc.
    Registration Status CE-IVD certified (R1040-E, R1041-E)
    Sample Source Plasma, serum, saliva, urine, blood, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swab and fecal samples
    Size Range 50 nt to ~200 kb
    Yield Spin plate, 10 µg RNA (binding capacity), ≥10 µl (elution volume)




    The purpose of beta-mercaptoethanol is to help with deproteination. It is not necessary if you are working with simple samples such as swabs. It is recommended if you are working with protein rich samples such as plasma, serum, blood, saliva, sputum, etc.

    Yes, these samples are compatible.

    Yes, this kit will co-purify some DNA.

    Most downstream application methods for viral detection do not require DNase treatment during purification. If necessary, DNase treatment can be perform post-purification and additional components can be purchased separately (i.e., DNase I, DNA Digestion Buffer, RNA Prep Buffer and RNA Wash Buffer).

    Yes, the change from clear to yellow is a result of oxidation and will not affect the performance of the buffer.

    The Viral RNA Buffer is guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase even with the addition of beta-mercaptoethanol. Just be sure to close the bottle cap tightly to prevent evaporation.

    In most cases, it could be because the samples contain high amounts of protein or cellular debris. To help prevent this in future preps, it’s best to add beta-mercaptoethanol to the Viral RNA buffer, and/or implement a Proteinase K digestion step.

    For optimal results and detection of viral target, collect sample in DNA/RNA Shield and perform Proteinase K treatment. In addition, add beta-mercaptoethanol to the Viral RNA Buffer prior to purification, as well as perform all steps at room temperature and centrifugation speeds at 10,000-16,000 x g to ensure no buffer retention.

    The “-E" markings at the end of the catalog numbers of “-Dx” products indicate that they are CE-IVD verified for in vitro diagnostic use.

    This can happen on occasion due to transport or storage at lower temperatures. The reagent functionality is not affected; however, the precipitate can be resolved by heating the reagent to >37 °C.


    "The Quick-RNA Viral RNA kit performed much better than the RNeasy 96 kit for extracting RNA from dilute samples of virus supernatant. The kit is designed for small-volume elution to automatically concentrate the sample, and it’s designed for viral supernatants rather than cell lysates, so we didn’t need to deal with optimizing added carrier RNA. So in all, it was simpler, easier, and gave us a 10-fold improvement in our limit of detection."


    Boehringer Ingelheim, Canada


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