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    Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit

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    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    D4068 Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit 50 Preps €166,30
    - +
    D4068T Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit 10 Preps €53,50
    - +
    D4069 Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit 200 Preps €616,40
    - +


    • Quick & Easy: Simple 20 minute procedure.
    • Highest Yield: Recover 3x more DNA.
    • Ultra-Pure: Ready for qPCR, Next-Gen Sequencing, arrays, etc.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components Citations


    Product Description

    The Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus Kit is the easiest DNA extraction kit for high yield ultra-pure total DNA extraction (e.g., genomic, mitochondrial, viral) from cell culture, solid tissue, saliva, and any biological fluid sample. The Quick-DNA Miniprep Plus DNA extraction kit comes equipped with innovative reagents and Zymo-Spin Technology, allowing for ultra-pure DNA (> 50 kb) to be eluted in as little as 35 µl. Zymo-Spin Columns ensure that there is zero buffer retention, enabling ultra-pure DNA recovery in a simple 20-minute protocol. Purified DNA is RNA-free, removing the need for RNase A treatments and ensuring accurate quantification for applications like library preparations. The extracted DNA is suitable for immediate use in sensitive downstream applications including qPCR, DNA-seq, arrays, and methylation analysis.


    Technical Specifications

    Elution Volume ≥ 35 µl
    Equipment Water bath or heat block (55°C), microcentrifuge, and vortex.
    Purity High quality DNA is ready for all sensitive downstream applications such as PCR, endonuclease digestion, Southern blotting, genotyping, Next-Gen sequencing, bisulfite conversion, etc. (A260/A230≥ 2.0).
    Size Range Capable of recovering genomic and mitochondrial DNA sized fragments > 50 kb. If present, parasitic, microbial, and viral DNA will also be recovered.
    Workflow Utilize a Proteinase K Digestion and Zymo-Spin Column for effective recovery of DNA.
    Yield The DNA binding capacity of the column is 25 µg. Typically, mammalian tissues yield: 1-3 µg DNA per mg skeletal, heart, lung, and brain tissues and 3-5 µg DNA per mg liver and kidney. Human whole blood will yield 3-7 µg DNA per 100 µl blood sampled.
    D4068 Sample Type Table
    Supplemental Info


    The BioFluid & Cell Buffer (Red) is designed to allow for rapid Proteinase K digestion with easy-to-lyse samples (e.g. mammalian cells and biological fluids). The Solid Tissue buffer (Blue) can be used for any sample type and requires a longer PK digestion time compared to using the BioFluid & Cell Buffer (Red).

    The Quick-DNA is optimized for cells, soft tissues, and homogenized/digested samples using a single lysis/binding buffer. The Quick-DNA Plus kits contain an optimized Proteinase K for processing a wider variety of sample inputs, such as cells, blood, tissues, etc. The upgraded Quick-DNA Plus recovers more DNA with higher purity compared to the Quick-DNA Kits.

    Yes, samples can be digested overnight. Make sure to follow the appendix (page 8 appendix B) for processing liquids samples in DNA/RNA Shield and incubate at room temperature.

    White blood cells, which are the major source of genomic DNA in blood, easily and quickly settles. Mix the blood sample well prior to aliquoting for purification.

    E.coli cells are easy-to-lyse and can be processed directly with the Biological Fluids & Cells protocol. For an all-inclusive kit with any type of microbes (including tough-to-lyse), use any of Zymo Research’s Environmental Kits (e.g. Quick-DNA Fungal/Bacterial, Quick-DNA Fecal/Soil, ZymoBIOMICS DNA, etc.).

    No, the kit is designed for direct use with biological samples. For clean-up of previously isolated DNA, please use the Genomic DNA Clean & Concentrator or the DNA Clean & Concentrator kits.

    Beta-mercaptoethanol is a reducing agent that helps break down proteins and improves DNA recovery and purity. Addition of beta-mercaptoethanol is recommended to enhance sample lysis, but can be substituted with dithiothreitol (DTT, final concentration of 10 mM) or omitted.

    Yes, add 4 volumes of Genomic Lysis Buffer to 1 volume of crude lysate, homogenized, or digested sample (see Cell Suspensions and Proteinase K Digested Samples) and proceed with the remainder of the protocol.

    Cat # Name Size Price
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack €17,90
    D3004-2-50 g-DNA Wash Buffer 50 ml €21,40
    D3004-4-1 DNA Elution Buffer 1 ml €13,20
    D3004-4-10 DNA Elution Buffer 10 ml €16,70
    D3004-2-200 g-DNA Wash Buffer 200 ml €64,20
    D3004-4-50 DNA Elution Buffer 50 ml €38,10
    D3004-5-50 DNA Pre-Wash Buffer 50 ml €31,00
    D3004-5-30 DNA Pre-Wash Buffer 30 ml €25,00
    D3001-2-20 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set 20 mg €52,40
    D3001-2-5 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set 5 mg €25,00
    D4068-1-12 BioFluid & Cell Buffer (Red) 12 ml €28,50
    D4068-1-45 BioFluid & Cell Buffer (Red) 45 ml €70,10
    D4068-2-22 Solid Tissue Buffer (Blue) 22 ml €45,20
    D4068-2-6 Solid Tissue Buffer (Blue) 6 ml €14,30
    D4068-3-25 Genomic Binding Buffer 25 ml €33,30
    D4068-3-85 Genomic Binding Buffer 85 ml €112,80
    C1103-50 Zymo-Spin IC-XM Columns 50 Pack €77,80
    C1104-50 Zymo-Spin IIC-XLR Columns 50 Pack €81,50

    "This kit is easy to use and provides a high quality yield."


    Syracuse University

    "I was very impressed with the purity of the DNA."



    "Improved yield than Bioline and Qiagen Kits."


    Manchester Metropolitan University

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