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    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Quick-cfRNA Serum & Plasma Kit

    Zymo Research's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction Guaranteed

    Read The Zymo Research Promise

    Original Manufacturer. Made in USA.

    Cat # Name Size Price Quantity
    R1059 Quick-cfRNA Serum & Plasma Kit 50 preps €421,70
    - +


    • Quick & Easy: Simple spin-column based isolation from up to 3 mL of plasma, serum, or other biological liquids. No phenol/chloroform or precipitation.
    • Highest Yields: Efficient isolation of total cell-free RNA. Recover up to 515 times more microRNA.
    • Ultra-Pure: Ready for Next-generation sequencing, RT-qPCR, nCounter, etc.
    Description & Documents Specifications FAQ Components


    Product Description

    The Quick-cfRNA Serum & Plasma Kit enables simple, reliable, and efficient preparation of high-quality circulating cell-free RNA (including protein-bound, exosomal, miRNA and other small RNAs) from serum, plasma and other biological fluids. The kit does not use toxic phenol-chloroform or cumbersome protein precipitation and removal steps. Recovered cell-free RNA scales linearly relative to the sample input volume up to 3 ml. ZymoSpin™ Technology enables isolation of ultra-pure cell-free RNA suitable for all subsequent analyses, such as RT-qPCR and NGS. Empower your discovery of circulating RNA biomarkers.

    Vacuum manifold is required for this kit.


    Technical Specifications

    Elution Volume cfRNA can be eluted into 15 µl (to maximize total yield) or as little as 6 µl (for highly concentrated eluate) of DNase/RNase-Free Water.
    Processing Time Typically requires 30 minutes hands-on time to process 10 samples. Sample digestion requires 2 hours.
    Purity High quality cell-free RNA (cfRNA) is ready for all sensitive downstream applications such as RT-qPCR and Next-Generation Sequencing.
    Required Equipment Vacuum manifold, microcentrifuge, vortex, water bath or heating block, and vacuum.
    Sample Type Up to 3 ml of plasma, serum, cerebrospinal fluids, amniotic fluids, urine, or other biological fluids.
    Size RNA ≥ 17 nt.
    Yield Yields are sample dependent and may vary. Typical recovery ranges from 1 – 100 ng/ml of human plasma or serum. Kit is optimized for recovery of total cfRNA, including small RNA and microRNA.


    Saliva must be cleared to remove debris/mucus (12,000xg for 15 min at room temperature). Up to 1 ml cleared salvia can be used per extraction.

    Cat # Name Size Price
    R1059-4-100 Quick-cfRNA Binding Buffer 100 ml €150,90
    R1059-3-50 Quick-cfRNA Digestion Buffer 50 ml €137,10
    R1003-3-12 RNA Wash Buffer 12 ml €35,70
    R1070-1-10 RNA Recovery Buffer 10 ml €21,40
    R1060-2-50 RNA Prep Buffer 50 ml €72,50
    C1001-50 Collection Tubes 50 Pack €17,90
    C1004-50 Zymo-Spin IC Columns 50 Pack €62,90
    C1039-25 25 ml Reservoir for Spin-Away Filters and Zymo-Spin IIICG 25 Pack €48,80
    C1006-50-F Spin-Away Filters 50 Pack €65,40
    W1001-4 DNase/RNase-Free Water 4 ml €14,30

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